Join us online - Unlocking the Power of Open-Source Research: Best Practices for Third-Party Due Diligence
Unlocking the Power of Open-Source Research: Best Practices for Third-Party Due Diligence, 13 February at 17:00h CET
In the course of conducting due diligence reviews or investigations of third parties we may sometimes want to use open-source information. But what is the best way of doing it?
We are pleased to announce a 90-minute online workshop on 13 February 2025 at 17:00 that explores how to best approach conducting open-source research and details the benefits of incorporating source enquiries into an investigation.
The workshop will be led by ECS’s organizational partner Risk Advisory.
The objective of the session is to discuss best practice when undertaking open-source research, sharing top tips in the effective use of research tools, discussing the benefits of gathering human intelligence, developing a sense for scope-building and research priorities, and sharing how best to assess risks at a preliminary stage.
These risks will ultimately help you to more effectively research and evaluate third party risks before reaching out for further investigation by external consultants.
The investigative research workshop will cover the following:
- Outlining Risk Advisory’s approach to due diligence investigations, especially at the scoping stage. This includes flagging potential risks and red flags to keep in mind during the process;
- Introducing basic research tools, including commercial compliance databases, media archives, and targeted internet searches;
- Sharing key research tips and pitfalls to avoid, based on our experience;
- Discussion the benefits of combining open-source research with targeted source enquiries; and
- Detailing an informative case study relevant to compliance teams from a range of sectors.
Unlocking the Power of Open-Source Research: Best Practices for Third-Party Due Diligenc
13 February 2025
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM