Cecilia Garcia Podoley

Board MemberCo-Chair WG on AI and ComplianceCecilia is an ethics, compliance and legal specialist with almost three decades of experience.  Since 2005, she has been setting up and reinforcing the Integrity and Compliance departments of several companies in different industries and countries (including a Fortune 50 and one of the biggest privately owned companies in the world). In her work, she developed and rolled out policies, trainings, due diligence process and whistleblower helplines as well as managing and performing internal investigations on a global basis. After her graduation as a lawyer, she worked in the Public Sector in Argentina, her home country, including a position in the National Audit Office. She has been a Certified Fraud Examiner for more than a decade. Cecilia has a keen interest in digitalisation and cybersecurity and she has specialised in the ethics of AI and other new technologies.
