The new Global Business Ethics Survey 2023: The state of ethics and compliance in the workplace

Over the years, the Ethics & Compliance Initiative (“ECI”) has conducted longitudinal, cross-sectional studies of workplace conduct from the employee’s perspective. Now in its recently published 17th iteration, ECI’s Global Business Ethics Survey® (GBES®) data provides an overview on the state of ethics & compliance in business across the globe.
According to the authors of the survey, survey participants have been asked to provide insight on a variety of topics, including the strength of the ethics culture in their workplace, the instances of misconduct that they have observed and what, if any, efforts are underway in their organization to promote integrity. The authors emphasis that this year’s study is the largest in its history.
Additionally, in the GBES, new topics are explored. In this version, ECI examined organizational environmental, social and governance efforts from the vantage point of the employees and conducted more inquiry into the presence of unethical conduct. For brevity and ease of use, charts with specific country information are limited to those with the highest and lowest scores for each of the key metrics discussed in the report. Results for all 42 countries, including demographic information and aggregated responses to approximately 40 GBES questions are available.